
PSA-6K-PB4500 will furnish 99.99% pure Nitrogen all the time at 1600 SCFH.

The System is controlled by PLC with one color touch screen which will interface all control and diagnostic functions. One oxygen analyzer accurate to 0.1% O2 readout.
rendering of a storage cassette.
Foot print of storage cassette 49.25" x 49.25" x 77.50"

One storage cassette will hold 13,500 scf of Nitrogen.
Options of additional storage cassettes are available

Customer Supplied Provisions:

1) Dry, oil-free shop air supply, 175 SCFM at 130-145 psi.
2) Shipping expense from Minden, Nevada to the customer's location. Loading at Minden will be provided by INTO N2, LLC.

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