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2snsbrandsslider 05About INTO-N2

High Purity Nitrogen Generators

A division of Burns Machinery Inc. We manufacture PSA Nitrogen Generators for the laser cutting industry.

Our nitrogen generators arrive ready to plug in and run! With a supply of clean, dry air from your compressor or one purchased from us, it will provide all the nitrogen you need.

Our unit comes ready to plug in and run! With a supply of clean, dry air from your compressor or a compressor purchased from us, we can provide you with all the nitrogen you will need for your laser cutting. By utilizing PSA technology and the best carbon molecular sieve material available in the world, we are able to produce nitrogen at flow rates up to 12,000 SCFH (depending on model and usage flow). Nitrogen is required to make your laser efficient. Our nitrogen generator uses the latest technology in PLC controls and makes nitrogen only when you need it. It will provide an unlimited supply of nitrogen and can run multiple lasers at once. With our proven boost pump technology and control, you have high pressure nitrogen at 500 psi output on demand. We offer a 3000 SCFH, a 6000 SCFH, a 10,000 SCFH, and a 12,000 SCFH.

Produce your own High Pressure, High Purity Nitrogen!

We are the leader in high pressure, high purity nitrogen generators for the laser cutting industry!